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in the blue

Even if there’s no reason. / 理由なんてなくても

Even if there’s no reason, you can choose whatever you love,go anywhere you want. It is like you’re free to paint any color you want on the canvas….

petit gateau / 小さなお菓子

Painted with colors which makes you happy like when you see lovely sweets! ———– 目にするだけでハッピーになるお菓子の箱のようにかわいい色を集めてみました♪ size: 108×108mm

Something new

You’ll see new world when you try “something new”.If you go ahead even you’re afraid or hesitated. ———– 怖くても、迷っても踏み出した時に見えるあたらしい世界。 size: 210×210mm


world map mural

As interior


心の奥にあるもの / something deep inside

Although it is a white color painting, it has a strong presence and complements the space without being inorganic. A piece full of luxury with a handmade wooden…

As interior